
What is Findhelp?

Formerly known as Aunt Bertha, Findhelp offers an easy way to find social services and to connect to them directly and electronically. The website has built the largest network of free and reduced-cost programs in every ZIP Code across the United States — this includes federal, state, county, municipal, and local resources in the biggest cities and smallest towns. FindHelp provides a free tool to help find food assistance, help paying bills, and other various types of free or reduced cost programs.

City of Dallas has partnered with Findhelp to connect residents to local resources.

How to Use Findhelp

  1. Type in your zip code into the text field and click search
  1. Hover over the category of the aid you are looking for
    • Each category will have different options to best fit your needs
  2. Click on the type of aid you are looking for
  1. Browse the options and learn more about each organization
  2. Utilize the available information to receive the aid you need
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